Police Corruption and the Heroin Trade: The Infamous Cop and the Murdered Heroin Dealer | 60 Minutes Australia
Jan 22 2024
In this 1981 episode, Sallie-Anne Huckstepp shares the harrowing tale of her partner and heroin dealer, Warren Lanfranchi, who was fatally shot in a Sydney laneway. Detective Roger Rogerson, a notorious figure, faced scrutiny for his involvement in the investigation into Lanfranchi's death, claiming self-defense. However, Huckstepp publicly alleged that Lanfranchi was deliberately murdered, vowing to seek justice. Tragically, in 1986, Huckstepp's body was discovered, and her murder remains unsolved. This true crime story exposes police corruption, the heroin trade in New South Wales, and the heartbreaking events surrounding Lanfranchi and Huckstepp.

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