Does planting trees actually cool the planet? - Carolyn Beans
Dec 19 2023
Tree-planting programs are often touted as a key solution to combat climate change, given that trees absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. However, these efforts don't always yield the desired results. Carolyn Beans delves into the common mistakes made in tree-planting initiatives and offers strategies for successful reforestation.

One of the main issues is planting trees in the wrong places. For instance, planting trees in grasslands or wetlands can disrupt the local ecosystem and potentially harm native species. Additionally, not all trees are equally effective at absorbing CO2, and some can even contribute to global warming.

Beans suggests that the best approach is to focus on restoring native forests, which are more likely to support local biodiversity and store more carbon. She also emphasizes the importance of involving local communities in reforestation efforts, as they are often best placed to care for the new trees and ensure their survival.

This lesson, directed by Ivana Bošnjak and Thomas Johnson Volda, was made possible through a collaboration with Speed & Scale. Special thanks to Robert Heilmayr for his contributions to the development of this video.

To learn more about the role of trees in fighting climate change and how to make tree-planting initiatives more effective, view the full lesson and dig deeper with additional resources.

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