FIRST DRIVE: Lamborghini Revuelto - 1,001bhp V12 Hybrid MONSTER! | Top Gear
Oct 08 2023
Lamborghini has often felt like the last dinosaur, roaring forlornly in the face of electric’s meteoric impact. No more. The Revuelto has adapted to this new climate. The Aventador replacement, Lamborghini’s biggest beast, is now a plug-in hybrid. It features three electric motors, and a 6.5-litre V12 revving to 9,500rpm, for a total of 1,001bhp.

There is no reverse gear, that’s done electrically. There’s no clumsiness either: the handling is far more sophisticated, so too the electrical integration. The gearbox no longer thrashes your head back and forth like a metaller in a mosh pit. There’s more space in the cabin and – ‘alleluja – the seats are no longer as pious as a church pew, but instead embrace and coddle.

Join TG's Jack Rix at the Vallelunga track in Rome for TG’s first thrash in a Lambo like no other.

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