
An Uncomfortable Clip Of Will And Jada Has Resurfaced Amid Oscars Slap Scandal

By now, the whole world knows about the infamous Oscars debacle which saw Will Smith storm the stage to hit Chris Rock in the face in front of millions. He did it in response to a joke about his wife Jada Pinkett Smith's alopecia. The action provoked responses from both sides of the fence, some outraged, some in support of Smith for standing up for his family. But no matter which side of that argument you fall on, one thing's clear: Something's going on with the Smiths. Since the Oscars slap, people have been digging into the history of Will and Jada's marriage, and some surprising moments have come into the light. One particular video of Will and Jada has resurfaced amid the Oscars slap scandal, It's super uncomfortable. #JadaPinkettSmith #Oscars #WillSmith

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