Here's What Really Happened to The Cast Of Gypsy Sisters
Oct 18 2021
Whether because of poor ratings or a fight that resulted in the death of a puppy, "Gypsy Sisters" is no longer on the air. Whatever the case, the show's absence has left a void in the lives of fans, and people around the world still clamor for details about the lives of Mellie, Nettie, Annie, Joanne, Kayla, and all the rest. Fortunately for these fans, the Gypsy Sisters have been more than generous with content on their personal social media accounts. Details continue to leak out about their lives, and fans no doubt stitch together imaginary episodes featuring all of the laughs, fun, and drama. We'll fill you in with what we know. Here's what really happened to the cast of Gypsy Sisters.

#GypsySisters #RealityTV #DiscoveryPlus

Nettie's private life | 0:00

Mellie's four kids | 1:17

Kayla's paid partnerships | 2:20

JoAnn's coupon scam | 3:13

Annie's exploitation case | 4:14

Reboot in the works? | 5:23

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