Griffin Johnson SPILLS TEA About Dixie D'Amelio In DISS TRACK | Hollywire

Sep 21 2020
Griffin Johnson SPILLS TEA About Dixie D'Amelio In DISS TRACK Griffin Johnson just released a diss track called 'Convenient' about his past relationship with Dixie D'Amelio, finally revealing his side of the story after proof of him being unfaithful to Dixie got spilled all over the internet. Griffin spills a lot of tea that sheds light on the truth behind their relationship and the way Dixie allegedly treated Griffin. He also is claiming that the never actually cheated on Dixie at all. Hollywire's Jana Rosenberg and Gabi Conti are weighing in with more details on Hollywire's Tea Party!  #GriffinJohnson #DixieDAmelio #ConvenientGriffinJohnson #GriffinJohnson 24/7 Celebrity News

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