Bryce Hall SCAMS His Fans For Money?! | Hollywire

Bryce Hall is facing MAJOR backlash once again. Influencers like Bryce Hall are being called out for making similar contests to fly lucky fans out to Los Angeles and then not following through with those plans. One fan explained that Bryce had tweeted out that if his podcast hits number one he’s going to fly out a lucky winner to LA to hang out with the Sway House. Well, this fan went above and beyond and made a TikTok of himself explaining how he printed out hundreds of flyers for Bryce’s podcast and put them around his small town -- even handed out this flyer to people sitting in their cars in traffic. Bryce duet-ed the fan’s video where he showed how he was promoting Bryce’s podcast. In the duet, Bryce watches him with pride and excitement, nodding his head a lot as he promotes his podcast. Apparently, Bryce told him he won and was coming to LA, so he even quit his job because his boss wouldn’t let him off to go, and THEN Bryce left him on read. YIKES!! 24/7 Celebrity News WATCH HOLLYWIRE ON SAMSUNG TV About Hollywire: Welcome to Hollywire's official YouTube channel! Hollywire is your 24/7 Celebrity News on SAMSUNG TV PLUS! We are Hollywood’s most popular celebrity interviews and trendiest source for lifestyle entertainment! Hollywire Chapters for this Bryce Hall drama news video! Intro: 00:00 Bryce Hall Scam!?: 00:14 Your Thoughts: 3:10

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