Jake Paul Becomes Best Friends w/ Ex- President Donald Trump?! | Hollywire

May 07 2021
Is Jake Paul now BFFs with Donald Trump?! Jake just updated his list of accomplishments, right above “Bieber performed at my fight” which just happened two weeks ago -- the YouTuber added “facetimed Donald Trump.” also on this list includes “DMed by Drake” “sold 1.5 million ppv [pay-per-view] (top 10 ever)” and “shut down USC 261.” Jake has made many past statements implying his alliance with the former president such as saying that “98% of news is fake” and COVID is a hoax. Jake had later denied ever saying that -- despite there being an audio recording to prove it. Some followers are pointing out the danger of Jake Paul using his fanbase to endorse the former president, who was banned from most social media platforms after he used them to encourage the storming of the capital. ⭐

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