Indiana Massara Reveals She REJECTED Kio Cyr's Advances! | Hollywire

Jun 05 2021
Indiana posted a TikTok with the text “my back hurts from carrying the weight of being the only girl to deny Kio Cyr". Indiana captioned this TikTok “sorry @kiocyr” while also letting fans know where they can get her cool pants. Kio, of course, commented on this TikTok with “violation” which Indiana liked and then Indiana also commented, “sorry kio lol.” So it looks like this is all in fun and games, and Indiana is just joking. Kio and Indiana were speculated to be dating earlier this year when the two looked super coupley when leaving Saddle Ranch. But the two squashed any dating rumors, clarifying they’re just friends and play love interested on their show “Rooney’s Last Roll.” ⭐

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