Billie Eilish Publicly Apologizes For 'Racist' Slurs In Resurfaced Videos! | Hollywire

Jun 23 2021
Billie Eilish has apologized after a video of her surfaced where she is mouthing a racist slur. The video features a 13 or 14-year-old Billie where she is mouthing along to a song with an anti-Asian racial slur. Billie took to her Instagram story to post a statement about this video, which has been going viral. As Billie wrote in her statement, "I am appalled and embarrassed and want to barf that I ever mouthed along to that word...This song was the only time I'd ever heard that word as it was never used around me by anyone in my family. Regardless of my ignorance and age at the time, nothing excuses the fact is that it was hurtful. And for that I am sorry." Billie also addressed the "Silly gibberish made up voice," she used in this resurfaced clip assuring her followers that she has used the voice her whole life when talking to pets, friends, and family. ⭐

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