Olivia Ponton Taught GF Kai Novak To Take Care Of Herself! | Hollywire

Jul 23 2021
Olivia Ponton told Elite Daily that her skincare routine is actually what bonded her to her girlfriend, Kaila Novak. Kaila -- who also goes by Kai -- is a college athlete and influencer, who didn’t always prioritize skincare. As Olivia explained, “when we first started talking and hanging out all the time, I would go wash my face in the morning, at nighttime, or in middle of the day, and [Kai] was like, ‘why do you wash your face so much?’ I was like, ‘it’s not a bad thing to do.” Olivia joked that she’d have to force Kai to wash her face more than once a day, and started recommending that Kai started trying different skincare products, and even set Kai up with her own skincare routine. ⭐

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