
I'm 70% Burnt - But It Won't Stop Me Acting | SHAKE MY BEAUTY

A WOMAN who had 70% of her body burnt in a house fire is pursuing her dreams to be an actress - and proving that she ‘can be Juliet’. Afia from Maryland, USA was in a devastating house fire at three years old. The fire was caused by a space heater, and unfortunately her baby brother died in the accident. Afia escaped with over 70% of her body burnt, and she lost all her fingers on her left hand. At age 12 Afia knew she wanted to be an actress, and has been pursuing her dream ever since - despite negativity she has received. Afia told truly: “‘I had one of my teachers tell me, 'you’ll never be Juliet'. I know that I have Juliet’s potential, I know that I can be Juliet.”

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