I’m Done Hiding My Psoriasis | SHAKE MY BEAUTY

ROCYIE from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was just nine years old when she experienced psoriasis symptoms for the first time. Over the years, it developed into a wound and soon started appearing all over her body in huge patches. Conscious of her skin, Rocyie wore clothes that would hide the condition. As well as affecting her confidence, the psoriasis was incredibly painful and Rocyie would spend the whole day in bed, crying. Learning that nutrition was a fundamental part of taking care of her psoriasis, Rocyie created 'So Good', a holistic coaching platform dedicated to those with a skin condition. Feeling more confident in her own skin, Rocyie started sharing photos of her psoriasis on Instagram -and the response was overwhelmingly positive. Concluding on her journey, Rocyie commented: “We’re just human beings doing our best, living our best life in this world.”

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