
James Charles Lost 80,000 Followers After Posting THIS

James Charles Lost 80,000 Followers After Posting THIS Since the weather is getting warmer, james charles is soaking up the sun, and has been posting tons of photos in swimsuits. But one photo clearly went too far, because after posting it james lost over 80,000 followers on instagram. Im mackenzie, and lets get into everything that went down. After james posted a video of himself dancing in a swimsuit, fans could not believe how smooth his ugh.. Private area was. Some fans started to speculate that james got a BBL, or some other procedure to change his body and make his private region completely smooth. But james quickly put those rumors to rest and shared with his fans how he got the smooth look but it clearly backfired. After james told fans he was tucking to achieve his look, he included a super cringey photo showcasing how he does it, and it obviously went viral. #jamescharles #tiktok #youtubenews #influencer #youtubedrama #jamescharlesdrama #exposed #celebritynews #celebrities #informoverload #informationoverload #io #celebnews #trendingnews #gossip #entertainment #drama #news ✉️Email | Contact: informoverload@gmail.com IN THIS VIDEO: PRODUCER & FILMED BY: Chris Stiuso VIDEO EDITED BY:

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