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- I Was Living A Double Life - But I'm Done Hiding | SHAKE MY BEAUTY
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- We Have 12 Children - And Yes They’re All Ours | MY EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY
I Was Living A Double Life - But I'm Done Hiding | SHAKE MY BEAUTY
May 31 2022
SOMETIMES to be comfortable in your own skin you have to make sacrifices. For Cloe Rain, 24, one of those sacrifices was moving away from her family and hometown in Minnesota to live as a trans woman in Texas. In her old life in Minnesota Cloe felt constantly stared at: "People would yell at me," she says. However now, Cloe has found a community that is more accepting. Although even in Austin leaving the house dressed in a really girly way is nerve wracking for her. Today Cloe’s going to face that fear as she meets one of her best friends and trans mentor Eve Marie who wants to help her find the perfect outfit to go out in. Cloe says: "I usually go out in sweatpants and casual clothes so today is a pretty big moment for me."
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