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Banned From My Kids' Games Because I’m An Adult Model | MY EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY
Jun 25 2022
A MUM of four, who traded her career as a hair salon owner to be an OnlyFans model, has ruffled feathers in her local community - resulting in her sons being kicked out of their local football team. Sara Cheek and her husband Matt, who reside in Florida, were facing furlough and unemployment during the global pandemic, so made the joint decision for Sara to join the modelling website. To their shock and delight, Sara earned an incredible $7000 in her first weekend and from that point forward her new career was born. However, with the success came controversy as people in their local community hated Sara's new job. Sara told Truly: "I was banned from my kids' football games, there were cheerleading games I wasn't able to attend, all because of what I do for a living." Sara and Matt were sad that their boys' football playing days had ended. Sara added: "I think the perception is that you can't be a good mum if you're sexy, but in all actuality, I'm making a lot of money, I'm taking care of my family and I'm able to provide for them. I think we're more dedicated to our kids and that's the ultimate goal at the end of the day."
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