
We're Swapping Genders & Having A Baby | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

DAVONNY, 21, and Robin, 25, are a trans couple who met online and have been together for eight months. Robin told Truly that they both "swap genders and are planning to have a baby together." Davonny was born male but doesn’t identify as male or female, going by the pronouns 'they/them' and is currently transitioning. Davonny explained that they knew they were "trans when I was probably about 13. For a while I didn’t feel comfortable being trans because it already felt there was a lot of hate towards being gay and bi, so I was like, 'if they’ve got a problem with them, what are they going to say about me?'" Continuing that "I don’t feel like I’m a guy or a woman, I feel like I can be whatever the hell I want to be." Robin is a trans male who knew his identity at a young age, but said he "grew up in a very small hillbilly town so I repressed it for a long time. It’ll be almost 10 years that I’ve been out, living my truth, being me." When he first came out he was shunned by his "friends, all of them except for one cut me off. In school everybody cut me off, everyone pretended I didn’t exist, so I kind of lost a lot when I came out." The couple discussed their future plans together early on in their relationship, "one of the first things we talked about was that we both wanted to have kids", Robin said. "We didn’t want to adopt, we didn’t want to pay for surrogates, we wanted kids that were ours, that were literally our DNA." They have both stopped taking hormones for their transitions while they try to get pregnant, which has been difficult for their emotions. "I was actually fairly far in my transition and I started feeling like myself and feeling really comfortable, so having to stop wasn’t really the greatest. Making those sacrifices was like being an addict going through withdrawal." Davonny explained. "If you want to have children being trans it’s definitely something that can take away your ability to have children, and they do let you know that but I don’t think they urge it enough, like they should definitely be like 'honey, you better not want kids because after two years, you probably ain’t gonna have them.'" The couple has faced a lot of judgement for being in a trans and interracial relationship. Robin said they get asked questions like, 'why did you guys transition in the first place?' A lot of people will be like 'what’s that little boy gonna do with all that woman, you’re not gonna handle her'". In this episode of Love Don't Judge Davonny's mom and brother come over to discuss the couple's plans to have a child together, and their initial reactions when Davonny first came out to them. Sky, Davonny's mom has admitted that she struggled with the new pronouns to begin with. She said, "it was a shock. I’m thinking, 'oh my gosh, are you gonna cut your parts off?' and all this other stuff, so it was kind of tough." Adding that, "some people haven’t accepted it and they respond to things like that in a very violent way, so I was concerned.I know someone who’s gotten killed over something like that."

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