Echo's Richie Palmer Went From Being a PA for Kevin Feige to a Producer at Marvel

In a recent conversation with Steve Weinraub, Richie Palmer, the executive producer, shared his journey from being a PA for Kevin Feige to becoming a producer on Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and finally an executive producer on Echo. Palmer provided valuable insights into the business and discussed the various aspects of production in each phase. He emphasized that every day on the job is unique and explained why they decided not to tone down the violence in Marvel's first-ever TV-MA show. Palmer also shared his thoughts on the new Marvel Spotlight series, which is inspired by the '70s Marvel Spotlight comic run. He expressed his excitement about how Marvel's new banner aims to introduce "unexpected additions" to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The entire Echo series will be available for streaming on Disney+ and Hulu from January 9.

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