Dating feels nearly impossible for me because of my height of 6'2". It's tiring to constantly be referred to as a man.
Apr 10 2023

Marie Temara, a 28-year-old model who stands at 6-foot, 2-inches, has shared how she earns a living by showcasing her height on OnlyFans. However, despite her thousands of online followers, her dating prospects remain limited.

Temara frequently goes viral on TikTok as she documents life as a tall woman. But according to her, finding a guy taller than her is extremely difficult. She revealed to NeedToKnow that dating at her height is almost impossible and very limited.

Temara's home state of Florida has only about 2% of the population taller than 6’3″, making her options even more limited. She has faced derogatory comments, such as being told that she looks like a "man in heels," or that she's "too heavy to be a girl." Temara has also recounted being bullied throughout her life for being taller and different from others.

Despite these challenges, Temara continues to inspire and advocate for the tall community.

The single content creator has amassed 1.3 million followers on TikTok but still can’t score a date.

Jam Press Vid/@marietemara

She shared that dating is just one of the struggles that come along with her height.

Jam Press Vid/@marietemara

Marie revealed that during her childhood, other kids were cruel to her, calling her a man or a house due to her height and weight, which was often greater than that of her male teachers. The bullying was so severe that she would eat lunch alone in a bathroom stall as she had no friends.

Despite the years of rejection and hurtful comments, Temara has grown into a confident woman. As a plus-size model, she embraces her curves and takes pride in being tall. She hopes to inspire others to recognize the beauty in being different and unique.

The 28-year-old has been bullied about her height for most of her life after shooting up above her peers at a young age.

Jam Press/@marietemara

Temara used to be self-conscious about her height but has learned to embrace her towering frame.

Jam Press/@marietemara

The content creator discovered that she had a niche audience and turned to OnlyFans to capitalize on her natural gifts.

Jam Press/@marietemara

She has become more ultra-feminine, as she wants to break the stereotype that being tall is a masculine trait and never wants to be called a man again.

Additionally, Marie wants to change the idea that relationships can only work if both partners are of similar height. She cites her parents' marriage as proof that height differences can work, with her mother standing at 6 feet, 5 inches tall and her father at 6 feet, 2 inches tall. Her brothers are even taller, with Shane at 6 feet, 9 inches and Troy at 6 feet, 10 inches. Interestingly, her father and eldest brother are the shortest members of her family.

Marie has convinced her family, who she believes is one of the tallest active online, to participate in her TikTok videos. She noticed that viewers became more interested in their lives after they appeared in her videos.

She often posts videos of her whole family — who she claims is “the tallest family on TikTok.”

Jam Press/@marietemara

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