Adult Star Takes Life-Threatening Risk to Film Forbidden Act in Strict Country
Feb 05 2024

An adult actress has caused outrage by secretly entering Iran and recording herself exploring its streets, despite the potential risk of facing the death penalty due to her explicit profession.

Whitney Wright, a 32-year-old from Oklahoma City, is known for her vocal support of Palestine on social media during the conflict with Hamas.

Despite the potential legal consequences of her involvement in pornography, Wright has now made a trip to the US Embassy in Tehran, which is currently operated as a museum by Iran's Revolutionary Guard.

Although she claims that her visit is not an endorsement of the government, Wright's Instagram post, which has since been deleted, showcased exhibits rarely seen by the public.

It is reported that Wright would have required a visa to enter Iran, and an unnamed official stated that the government granted her a visa without being fully aware of the nature of her controversial profession, according to the Tasnim news agency.

The US embassy in Tehran experienced a lengthy hostage crisis that lasted for 444 days, starting in late 1979 and ending in early 1981. Over 50 Americans were held captive by students who admired Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini during the Islamic revolution, which resulted in the overthrow of the Shah.

During this time, the embassy received an unexpected visitor from the US adult film industry. Setareh Pesiani, an Iranian actor, used their visit to criticize Iran's strict government for enforcing a compulsory headscarf rule. This rule had led to the arrest and alleged death of a 22-year-old woman named Masha Amini in 2022, as she opposed wearing a hijab. Pesiani's actions certainly caught people's attention and sparked further discussions about the government's policies.

On Instagram, Pesiani expressed their fury, stating, "It is infuriating that you employ various methods to punish individuals in this country for removing their hijab, yet you readily permit a porn actress to visit for tourism!"

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