Ozzy Osbourne's Feud with Kanye West Ignites over Black Sabbath Sample
Feb 10 2024

Ozzy Osbourne and Kanye West are currently engaged in a feud over West's decision to sample a Black Sabbath song without permission.

Osbourne, the 75-year-old British heavy metal singer, expressed his disapproval of being associated with West due to the rapper's controversial remarks about Jewish people.

West had previously apologized to the Jewish community for his antisemitic comments.

Despite this, West is releasing a new record called Vultures, featuring the song Carnival, which samples a part of Black Sabbath's 1970s single Iron Man.

Osbourne took to social media to state that West was denied permission to sample the song due to his antisemitism and the pain he has caused to many individuals.

"He disregarded our wishes and used the sample regardless at his album listening party last night. I want absolutely no connection with this individual!" Sharon, Ozzy's wife, expressed her belief that Kanye represents hate and labeled him as a disrespectful antisemite. She firmly stated that Ozzy had a clear opportunity to decline the request.

Emphasizing their strong stance against Kanye, Sharon further exclaimed, "We want absolutely nothing to do with him; the man is despicable." Kanye, who was previously married to Kim Kardashian, had previously incorporated the track into his song Hell Of A Life.

Last year, he expressed his sincere apologies to the Jewish community in Hebrew on Instagram, acknowledging any pain he may have caused. This came after companies like Adidas and Balenciaga severed their connections with him.

In a conversation with US conspiracy theorist Alex Jones in December 2022, West made a disturbing statement, expressing his admiration for Nazi leader Adolf Hitler by saying, "I like Hitler."

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Soon after, his X account was suspended for breaching the platform's policy on promoting violence. His tweets featured a symbol that seemed to merge a swastika with a Jewish star. West's account was restored on the platform, which is owned by tech mogul Elon Musk, after a duration of eight months.

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