Elle Brooke's Unusual Offer for Chopped Up Labia
Mar 31 2024

Elle Brooke has caused a stir with her latest revelation of planning to sell parts of her labia removed during a designer operation on her vagina. Sitting in front of a microphone on a sofa, she shared that she has been offered “five figures” for the chopped-up body part that she has kept in a jar since the operation three years ago.

Elle expressed her surprise at the bidding wars happening in her DMs among fans interested in acquiring the unusual item. She pondered over the possibilities of what the buyers might do with her labia, ranging from cloning to framing it as an artifact.

She teased the potential sale by stating, “Ok well it is up for sale so I guess if you wanna put a bid in…serious buyers only.”

Continuing the unusual theme, Elle later posted a picture on social media with human body parts superimposed over the ears of beloved Harry Potter character Dobby the Elf, sparking further speculation and bizarre suggestions from followers.

The responses to her posts ranged from offering a Kit Kat in exchange to suggesting making a stir fry out of the body parts. Some users expressed their disbelief through gifs and emojis, showcasing the diverse reactions to Elle's unconventional plans.

Elle Brooke's unique offer and subsequent social media posts have certainly generated attention and intrigue among her fans and followers, leaving many curious about the outcome of the unusual sale.

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