Actress Massiel Taveras Shoves Cannes Security Guard in Another Heated Incident
May 26 2024

Following a recent incident involving Kelly Rowland scolding a security guard at the Cannes Film Festival, Dominican actress Massiel Taveras found herself in another heated exchange earlier this week. Taveras was seen shoving a female staffer after being rushed up the red steps while trying to showcase her gown with a long train featuring an image of Jesus Christ.

The tense interaction between Taveras and the security guard was captured in a now-viral video, where the actress appeared visibly agitated as she was prevented from adjusting her train and posing for photographers.

Upon reaching the top of the stairs, Taveras gave a final wave to the crowd before pushing off the security guard who touched her while trying to usher her inside the building.

Similarly, Kelly Rowland had a confrontational moment with the same security guard while walking the red carpet ahead of the “Marcello Mio” premiere. The former Destiny's Child member was seen reprimanding the guard, raising her finger in the woman's face.

Rowland later addressed the incident during an interview, stating, “That woman knows what happened. I know what happened. I have a boundary and I stand by those boundaries.” She also hinted at potential racial biases in the encounter.

It is essential for all parties involved to maintain professionalism and respect in such high-profile events to avoid any further confrontations or misunderstandings.

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