Queen Letizia of Spain Faces Allegations of Cheating on King Felipe VI
May 29 2024

Queen Letizia of Spain is at the center of a scandalous new book that alleges she cheated on her husband, King Felipe VI, with her ex-boyfriend. According to Spanish journalist Jaime Peñafiel's book "Letizia's Silences," Queen Letizia rekindled her romance with her former flame, Jamie del Burgo, during a trip to New York in 2011.

Peñafiel claims that King Felipe VI was aware of his wife's infidelity in real-time, as her bodyguards were reportedly keeping tabs on her whereabouts. The book suggests that Queen Letizia's secret rendezvous with del Burgo left the king feeling "crushed and destroyed."

Interestingly, Jamie del Burgo was previously married to Letizia's sister, Telma Ortiz, adding another layer of complexity to the alleged affair.

This isn't the first time rumors of Queen Letizia's infidelity have surfaced. In a previous book by Peñafiel, del Burgo revealed details about his relationship with Letizia, claiming they were involved before she met King Felipe VI. He even recounted a moment before her royal wedding when Letizia expressed regret over not marrying him.

The alleged affair reportedly came to an end in 2011 when Queen Letizia decided to cut ties with del Burgo.

Queen Letizia, who was previously married to writer Alonso Guerrero Pérez, has been married to King Felipe VI since 2004. The couple shares two daughters, Leonor and Sofía.

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