Lupita Nyong'o Opens Up About Going Public with Selema Masekela Split
Jun 04 2024

Lupita Nyong'o recently spoke out about her decision to go public with her split from Selema Masekela, citing a desire for honesty and transparency in the aftermath of dealing with deception. In a candid interview with Glamour, Nyong'o revealed that she felt compelled to share the end of her relationship with the world after having previously shared the beginning.

The acclaimed actress explained, "There is a time to be open and there’s a time not to be, and I chose that time to be open." Nyong'o acknowledged the challenges of navigating a public breakup but expressed a sense of relief in being forthcoming about her personal life.

Despite her past openness, Nyong'o emphasized that she intends to maintain a greater level of privacy regarding her relationships moving forward. "I’m very happy with what I did, and I don’t want to do it anymore. I don’t want to share that part of myself anymore," she shared with the magazine.

Nyong'o first went public with her relationship with Masekela in December 2022, only to announce their split ten months later due to trust issues. In a heartfelt Instagram post, she revealed the pain of a love betrayed by deception but expressed a determination to move forward.

Shortly after her breakup, Nyong'o found solace in the company of actor Joshua Jackson. The pair were spotted together at various events, confirming their romance in December 2023 with a public display of affection in Joshua Tree, California.

Since then, Nyong'o and Jackson have been seen enjoying intimate moments together, including a passionate kiss during Nyong'o's birthday celebration in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Despite their public outings, both parties have chosen to keep their relationship largely out of the spotlight.

As Nyong'o continues to navigate the complexities of love and loss in the public eye, she remains steadfast in her commitment to authenticity and self-preservation. While her past experiences have shaped her approach to relationships, she looks towards the future with a renewed sense of discretion and self-care.

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