Sienna Miller's Daughter: The Young Fashion Critic
Jun 05 2024

Sienna Miller, the renowned actress known for her bohemian style, recently opened up about her 11-year-old daughter, Marlowe Sturridge, who seems to have inherited a keen eye for fashion critique. In a candid interview with the Guardian, Miller revealed that Marlowe is a "little fashion monster" who doesn't hold back when it comes to judging her mother's wardrobe choices.

Describing her daughter as "so stylish" yet "very critical," Miller humorously compared Marlowe to a young Anna Wintour, the iconic editor-in-chief of Vogue. Despite initially finding her mother's style choices mortifying, especially during their time in New York City, Marlowe seems to be warming up to the undone and effortless aesthetic that Miller embodies.

With Marlowe's father, Tom Sturridge, dating fashion icon Alexa Chung, the young fashion enthusiast has access to another high-fashion closet to explore. Having already made appearances at prestigious events like the Cannes Film Festival and New York Fashion Week, Marlowe is undoubtedly making her mark in the fashion world at a tender age.

While Marlowe may enjoy raiding her mother's and Chung's closets, she might find particular interest in Miller's upcoming Marks and Spencer collection set to launch soon. The collection, inspired by a red paisley dress from Miller's personal wardrobe, promises a range of holiday and festival essentials like slip dresses, shorts, and lace blouses.

Reflecting on her approach to fashion and creativity, Miller shared her relaxed attitude towards her clothing, admitting to losing or lending pieces without much attachment. This carefree spirit is evident in her design process, where she contemplates sharing a beloved "one-off magical piece" with a broader audience through her collection.

As Miller navigates the realms of motherhood and fashion, Marlowe's evolving fashion sense and critical eye serve as a source of inspiration and amusement. With her daughter's growing influence on her style choices and creative endeavors, Miller embraces the blend of youthful perspective and seasoned experience in her fashion journey.

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