Darren Criss Faces Backlash Over Naming Newborn Son 'Brother': Social Media Reacts Wildly!
Jun 14 2024

Social media users are having a field day after Darren Criss confirmed the name of his newborn son.

The former "Glee" star shared the baby's name in an Instagram post following the birth of his second child with wife Mia Swier earlier this month.

"M & D just dropped their latest track," Criss, 37, captioned the introduction of his newborn. "Brother László Criss 6/3/24 Out now."

Initially met with skepticism in the comments, Criss clarified, "... and yes, his first name is Brother."

A critic pointed out that if one needs to confirm a name, it might not be the best choice. Another jestingly referenced the Berenstain Bears, while a third suggested the nickname "Bro" for the child.

Some labeled the name as "diabolical," with one user humorously predicting, "the future partner will be calling him brother."

Criss and Swier, 38, are also parents to daughter Bluesy, born in April 2022.

In December of the following year, the couple announced Swier's pregnancy with their second child, teasing, "COMING SOON."

The pair began dating in 2010, four years after meeting through mutual acquaintances.

In January 2018, the Broadway performer proposed, leading to their New Orleans wedding ceremony a year later.

While the name choice may have raised eyebrows, it's clear that Darren Criss and Mia Swier are embracing their unique journey into parenthood with humor and love.

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