Emma Stone's Name Game: Why She's Cool with Being Emma
Jun 26 2024

Hey there, fellow name enthusiasts! Ever wondered what's in a name? Well, Emma Stone, the talented actress we all know and love, has a little name secret that she's finally spilled the beans on. Buckle up as we dive into the fascinating world of Emma Stone's name game!

So, here's the scoop - Emma Stone recently made it clear that she's totally chill with not being called by her birth name, Emily. During a chat on the "Today" show, she casually mentioned, "I'm fine either way, I really am. My real name is Emily, though."

But hold up, why the switch from Emily to Emma, you ask? Well, turns out, when Emma tried to register with the Screen Actors Guild, she found out that the name Emily Stone was already taken. Bummer, right? So, she went with Emma, and the rest is history!

Despite her birth name being Emily, Emma has been introducing herself as Emily her whole life. But hey, she's cool with whatever you want to call her. In fact, she even joked, "You can make up a name!" Now, that's some serious name flexibility!

During a previous chat with the Hollywood Reporter, Emma's co-star Nathan Fielder spilled the beans on her real name, Emily. But Emma quickly jumped in, giving the green light to call her Emma. She's all about keeping things easy-breezy!

Now, here's where it gets interesting - while most people in the industry call her Emma, those who know her well switch to Emily. It's all because of that pesky SAG rule about name uniqueness. But hey, Nathan found a shortcut and just calls her Em. Smart move!

Emma did admit that a couple of years back, she had a mini freak-out and wanted everyone to start calling her Emily. But hey, old habits die hard, right? She's back to being Emma, and she's totally fine with it. Although, she did confess that it would be nice for fans to know her as Emily. A girl can dream, right?

And here's a fun fact - Emma's love for the Spice Girls, especially Baby Spice (Emma Bunton), led her to choose the name Emma. Talk about childhood dreams coming true! She even confessed to asking her teacher to call her Emma back in second grade. Now, that's some serious dedication!

So, there you have it, folks - Emma Stone, the actress with two names and a whole lot of cool vibes. Whether you call her Emma or Emily, she's just happy to be doing what she loves. And hey, if you ever meet her, feel free to call her Em - she's totally cool with it!

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