Australia’s deadly creatures could end up saving us | 60 Minutes Australia
Jun 18 2023
Volunteering to help further the cause of science is a noble endeavour, but as Tom Steinfort discovers, being a human guinea pig can also hurt like hell. He has just experienced a spectacular but rather painful adventure around Australia with a group of researchers on an extraordinary mission.

While most people would instinctively run from the dangerous creepy crawlies of the outback, these brave scientists deliberately seek out spiders, scorpions and centipedes, and then invite them to attack. Their aim is to get bitten to understand the pain of the stings. They then use the information, as well as the venom they collect, to develop much-needed medicines and painkillers. It’s amazing work that’s already saving lives.

For over forty years, 60 Minutes have been telling Australians the world’s greatest stories. Tales that changed history, our nation and our lives. Reporters Liz Hayes, Tom Steinfort, Tara Brown, Nick McKenzie and Amelia Adams look past the headlines because there is always a bigger picture. Sundays are for 60 Minutes.


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