Fashion Trends That Were Surprisingly Banned Throughout History
May 26 2020
Fashion trends go in and out of style, but sometimes the reason for a particular trend's fall from grace is because no one is allowed to wear it. Believe it or not, some of the most iconic looks of all time have been banned at some point in history.

Women wearing pants is a fairly recent development in the history of fashion. It took so long for them to become a staple in women's wardrobes, due to having to fight for the right to wear pants, as they were traditionally considered a men's fashion item. Pants for women first started becoming mainstream after World War I, as many women had grown accustomed to wearing them to the factory jobs they took, replacing the men who went to war.

In 1939, Vogue began showcasing women wearing pants, spurring the growth of the style further, also with the help of actress Katherine Hepburn. By the mid-20th century, many women were wearing pants, but the fashion was still somewhat controversial and, in some cases, banned. Universities were allowed to prohibit female students from wearing pants until 1972 and there were even rules until 1993 prohibiting women from wearing pants on the floor of the U.S. Senate. It wasn't until 2016 that British Airways cabin crew members were finally allowed to wear pants to work after a two-year battle with the airline. Keep watching to learn about more Fashion Trends That Were Surprisingly Banned Throughout History!

#Fashion #History

Pants | 0:16

Tartans | 1:16

Purple clothing | 2:22

Kingfisher feathers | 3:16

Shorts | 3:55

Corsets | 4:47

Durags | 5:47

Bobbed hair | 6:44

High heels | 7:33

Leggings | 8:32

Sagging pants | 9:36

JoJo bows | 10:43

Lacy underwear | 11:32

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