15 Intense Rules Female High Divers Have To Follow
Jul 02 2020
From Their Diet To Even Shaving There Are Many Crazy Rules These Pro Divers Must Follow

Staying in Olympic Village might sound like a lot of fun, but there are a ton of strict rules these top performers are expected to follow. Today we’re going to be taking a look at some female high divers and talk about the intense training regimens they go through. Because their nutritional needs are so specific, coming up with the perfect food plan is essential if you want to be the best. We’ll also talk about why they always seem to be running off to a hot tub after a big event and what’s up with those small towels they always seem to be carrying around. Some athletes like Kassidy Cook swear by their pre-swim rituals, while Laura Wilkinson believes it’s best not to get caught up in certain superstitions. Kelci Bryan and Abby Johnston talk about how their connection inspires them to perform better, and Katrina Young reveals how she stays in great shape for swimming. We’ll also talk about the devastating impact injuries can have on a career, and how Paola Espinosa is fighting to come back better than ever.

Written by: Nomde Plume

Narrated by: Cam Y.

Edited by: Steven Suñe

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