Top 10 Things Only Celebrities Can Get Away With
Aug 01 2020
Top 10 Things Only Celebrities Can Get Away With

It’s no secret celebrities can get away with stuff us regular folk can’t. We’ve seen it numerous times in the past, and I was actually able to make an entire list of top 10 celebrities that got away with major crimes. So it’s safe to say that if you’re well known, you definitely get preferential treatment, and are not subject to the reality of what repercussions your actions may have. Although I don’t agree with it, I’d understand why celebrities would take advantage of it, I mean, who wouldn’t? I don’t think I would. Who are we kidding, I’d do it all the time. But to a certain extent. As long as others weren’t in danger, and if the only person who could be negatively affected would be myself and myself only, then sure. Either way today on Informoverload we’re counting down the Top 10 Things Only Celebrities Can Get Away With.

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