The Truth About Laura Perez From My 600-lb Life
Oct 27 2020
Laura Perez won over fans' hearts when she appeared on the TLC reality TV series My 600-lb Life, weighing in at 594 pounds. But she's been up to more than just losing a whole lot of weight since her TV appearance. Here's the truth about Laura Perez.

At the start of her weight-loss journey, Laura was well aware that she needed to make a change. But the reality of her situation was pretty scary.

"I want to change, but I'm scared that I won't make it. I know if I don't do something, I'm going to die soon."

Fortunately, Perez made enough headway on her own that she was eventually able to have a gastrectomy while on the show. And she seems to have stayed on track toward a much healthier lifestyle ever since. By her second follow-up episode on My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now, Perez had dropped over 300 pounds.

Keep watching for more about The Truth About Laura Perez From My 600-lb Life.

#My600lbLife #LauraPerez

Turning her life around | 0:00

All about her family | 0:47

Shedding those pounds | 1:26

Her marriage hits the skids | 1:56

Switching things up | 2:47

New life, new guy | 3:15

Did she start a family? | 3:43

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