
Inside Brooke Shields' Relationship With Chris Henchy

Mar 21 2022
Brooke Shields has been with her current husband Chris Henchy for two decades, and the couple appears to be quite happy. They also share two children together: daughters Rowan Francis and Grier Hammond. The couple first met on the Warner Bros. lot, and the romance quickly took off from there. But it’s not easy keeping a marriage together for 20+ years. What’s their secret? And are the two still happy together? Is it possible their union could last another 20 years? We’re taking you inside Brooke Shields’ relationship with Chris Henchy. #BrookeShields #Relationships #Celebs Dog "meet cute" | 0:00 Secret wedding | 1:08 Fertility issues | 1:47 Postpartum depression | 2:41 Normal upbringing | 3:40 Marriage takes work | 4:46 Raising daughters together | 5:28

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