Living Without Limbs Brought Us Together | BORN DIFFERENT
Nov 11 2019
TWO inspirational women who are missing limbs have become best friends through their comparable hardship – and it’s all thanks to Barcroft TV. Jlissa Austin, 31, stands at 3’4” and was born without arms, knees and with only seven toes. Chassidy Young, 32, lives with Tetra-Amelia syndrome – also 3’4”, she was born with a rare congenital disorder that has left her without hands and with very short legs. Both women filmed documentaries for Barcroft TV’s ‘Born Different’ series earlier this year, and after watching each other’s life story, they have since become best friends through their very rare similarities. With their friendship going from strength to strength, they have now met in person for the very first time with Chassidy travelling across state from her home in Dallas Texas, to Jlissa who lives in Houston. Neither of them had ever met anyone like themselves before and Barcroft TV was there to capture the emotional moment on camera.

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