
Reality TV Stars That Are Nothing Like They Seem

If there’s anything to learn from reality TV, it’s that not everything you see is actually real. Over the years, a number of stars have come forward with stories from behind the camera — and the reality of it is that a lot of those epic fights and ditzy personas are nothing more than a means of boosting ratings. But which reality TV stars are the biggest fakers in the industry? Turns out, there are a whole lot more exaggerated personas than you might realize. These are the reality TV stars that are nothing like they seem. #RealityTV #Celebrities #Stars Courtney Robertson | 0:00 Kim Kardashian | 1:17 Gordon Ramsay | 2:20 Seven Craft | 3:38 Holly Madison | 4:36 Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj | 5:35 Tyra Banks | 6:26 Snooki | 7:24 Alexis Neiers | 8:19 Joseline Hernandez | 9:07 Paris Hilton | 10:07

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