Roger Deakins Breaks Down His Award-Winning Cinematography Career | Rotten Tomatoes

Cinematographer Roger Deakins is well-known to film buffs as the behind-the-scenes man responsible for the look and feel of such visually distinguished movies as 'The Shawshank Redemption,' 'Fargo,' 'O Brother, Where Art Thou?,' 'The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford,' 'Skyfall,' and 'Blade Runner 2049.' The latter finally earned him an Oscar for Best Cinematography in 2018, which many felt was long overdue for a man whose career has spanned four decades of acclaimed work with directors ranging from the Coen brothers and Martin Scorsese to Sam Mendes and Denis Villeneuve. Deakins' latest project, '1917,' reunites him with Mendes for a fourth outing and boasts a collection of long, elaborately choreographed segments cleverly edited together to tell its story in the style of a single unbroken shot. To celebrate the film's ambitious technical achievement, Deakins sat down with Rotten Tomatoes to break down the most difficult assignments of his career, from 'Skyfall' and his Oscar-winning work on 'Blade Runner 2049' to the unique challenges of '1917.'

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