Star Wars Prequels vs. Sequels | Rotten Tomatoes

Yep, we’re going there, boot-first into a debate as hot as the lava planet Mustafar. In our latest round of ‘Vs.’, we’re putting George Lucas’s three Star Wars Prequels – Episodes 1 through 3 – against J.J. Abrams’ and Rian Johnson’s three Star Wars Sequels – Episodes 7 through 9. Which trio of films will come out on top when we test their mettle according to box office results, Tomatometer scores, the quality of their characters, and the iconic moments they provide? Join RT Contributing Editor Mark Ellis as he fans out over double-sided lightsabers, zones out of endless political meetings, and finally declares whether the Sequels or Prequels are the better set of Star Wars movies.

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