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The 8-Year-Old Basketballer Shooting For The Stars | KICK-ASS KIDS
Sep 21 2018
A BASKETBALL-obsessed girl is already running rings around her father on the court - despite being only eight years old. Samaya Clark-Gabriel, from Brooklyn, New York, regularly trains with high school students twice her height and has an impressive array of tricks in her repertoire. She wowed crowds during the half-time show at a Harlem Globetrotters game in December last year by simultaneously dribbling two balls between her legs while BLINDFOLDED. The pint sized star only began playing aged six, but is already able to easily outmatch her dad in a one-v-one. Prodigy Samaya does intensive training sessions three times a week and dreams of one day playing in the WNBA (Women’s National Basketball Association). To follow her story, click here:
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