Néstor Carbonell & Bandit Director Allan Ungar Talk Wild True Story About Canada's Flying Bandit
Sep 27 2022
With Bandit now playing in select theaters and available On Demand, I recently spoke with director Allan Ungar and Nestor Carbonell about telling the incredible true story of Canada's infamous Flying Bandit. If you’re not familiar with the Flying Bandit, aka Gilbert Galvan Jr. or Robert Whiteman to those who knew him, he was notorious for escaping prison in Michigan, starting a new life in Canada, and proceeding to successfully rob 59 consecutive banks, setting the record for most robberies committed in a row in Canada. In the film, Josh Duhamel plays Robert Whiteman, and Elisha Cuthbert plays the caring social worker named Andrea who Whiteman falls in love with. Bandit also stars Mel Gibson.

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