Keith McNally addresses controversial comments in new Instagram post
May 06 2024

Keith McNally has taken to Instagram once again to address the controversy surrounding his recent comments about Lauren Sánchez and Jessica Seinfeld. The restaurateur, known for his blunt and sometimes controversial remarks, initially called Sánchez "revolting" but has now shifted his focus to Seinfeld.

In his latest post, McNally sarcastically acknowledged that his previous comments about Sánchez were made while he was "stone cold sober." He clarified that just because someone has had plastic surgery, it doesn't make them "revolting." He also mentioned that Jessica Seinfeld left a particularly harsh comment on his previous post, which she later deleted.

McNally shared part of Seinfeld's deleted comment, which included calling him "twisted, pitiful, and hideous." The restaurateur humorously remarked that Seinfeld must have read his upcoming memoir, "I Regret Almost Everything," which won't be released until next year.

Despite McNally's latest post, Jessica Seinfeld has not responded to his commentary on Instagram. This comes after Lauren Sánchez previously responded to McNally's initial remarks with messages about not letting others' opinions affect her.

Additionally, "The View" co-host Ana Navarro criticized McNally for his comments, questioning why he would spend time posting multiple pictures of someone he finds "revolting." Navarro also praised Sánchez's confidence and body positivity.

McNally's latest Instagram post has sparked further discussion and debate online, with many weighing in on the controversy surrounding his comments about Sánchez and Seinfeld.