25 Celebrities With The Strangest Jobs
Sep 04 2020
You Won't Believe Who Has A Regular 9-5 Job Now!

Fame can be a hard thing to handle - especially when it’s your full time job! These musicians, actors, and reality TV stars left fame and fortune behind to follow different career paths. Stepping out of the entertainment industry they opted instead for quieter, normal lives and worked at regular jobs!

Bella Thorne, Cameron Diaz and Mindy Kaling have all stretched their writing muscles, releasing multiple books. Former “Mean Girls” star Lindsey Lohan kept up her love of nightlife by opening a beach club in Mykonos. Reality TV stars such as Angelina from Jersey Shore, Jon Gosselin, and Lauren Conrad have all left fame behind for normal careers.

But they aren’t all so “normal”. Former celebs like MC Hammer, Dylan Sprouse, and Hilar Duff have chosen lives doing things like brewing beer, selling diapers, preaching as a minister, and even flipping burgers at TGIFridays.

Whether they’re sitting at a laptop, lacing up work boots, or pulling on a hairnet, these stars have all chosen jobs that nobody would expect!

Written by: Laurie M.

Narrated by: Lanessa Tremblett

Edited by: Mauricio

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