What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Espresso Every Day
Sep 29 2020
Few things get us out of bed like a strong cup of espresso. But what is your daily espresso doing for your body and mind? Turns out there are loads of health benefits, and, yes, a few not-so-desirable potential consequences, too. Here's what you need to know.

If you are one of those, "don't even talk to me before my first sip" kind of people, we can totally relate. A morning dose of caffeine via an espresso shot, drip cup, or java drink of choice can help us feel more, well, human. This is because caffeine quickly finds its way to the brain receptors and immediately gets to work, giving neurons an alertness-bumping boost.

A moderate amount of caffeine is considered approximately 300 milligrams or the equivalent of 4.5 ounces of espresso. That much can indeed increase one's capacity for concentration and improve mental sharpness, but there's a catch: drinking too much could result in a less acute response. Attenuation is when your body becomes desensitized to a stimulus and basically, it means that drinking espresso in excess can dull the intended effect. So stick to that morning espresso (or two), and avoid consuming too much.

#Espresso #Coffee

You'll get an energy boost | 0:00

Sleep troubles and insomnia | 1:12

Reduce risk of type 2 diabetes | 2:32

Improve your long-term memory | 3:30

Reduce your risk of stroke | 4:33

Blood pressure spikes | 5:15

It could be bad for baby | 6:02

Keep depression away | 6:54

Those stomach issues | 8:01

Reduce risk of certain cancers | 8:49

It could cause anxiety | 9:33

You could lose weight | 10:35

You'll get lots of antioxidants | 11:40

Your liver may thank you | 12:21

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