Olympic Athletes Who Are Currently In Jail
Jul 24 2021
Most Olympians are people whose names you've never heard before, who reached the peak of athletic excellence without garnering much in the way of their own publicity. A select few earned enough fame to become household names, ending up on Wheaties boxes and reality TV shows. And even fewer (thankfully, way fewer) ended up having their names immortalized by being found guilty of criminal acts.

Some of these athletes were jailed for nonviolent offenses, like embezzlement schemes or using illegal substances. But some, like Oscar Pistorius, Alexis Vila Perdomo, Hicham Bouaouiche, and Patric Suter, ended up incarcerated after taking someone's life. From the robbers to the killers, these are the Olympic athletes who are currently in jail.

#Olympics #Athletes #Sports

Alexis Vila Perdomo | 0:00

Hicham Bouaouiche | 1:37

Stefan Denifl | 2:28

Oscar Pistorius | 3:35

Iñaki Urdangarín | 5:11

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