Celebs Who Were Upstaged By Their Kids On Live TV
Jan 15 2022
Working from home is the new normal, and while that means more time in the comfort of your own office, a few steps from your own bathroom, and no commute, it also means more time with your family. And when you spend most of your workday on video calls, that can be a problem.

While a rogue child may tank an important business interview, when it comes to celebrity TV interviews, kids are usually an improvement. And nobody is immune to the power of an excited child. Here are a few celebs who were upstaged by their kids on live TV.

#Celebs #Kids #ChrisHemsworth

Megan Fox | 0:00

Tina Fey | 1:21

Jimmy Fallon | 2:41

Adam Sandler | 3:51

Kelly Clarkson | 5:06

Al Roker | 6:29

Jason Bateman | 7:33

Alanis Morissette | 8:46

Chris Hemsworth | 9:55

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