Things You Never Noticed In 2 Broke Girls
Apr 12 2022
2 Broke Girls may have run its course after 6 seasons, but it still lives on in the hearts and minds of its many fans. Having helped to grow the careers of Kat Dennings (who's certainly gone on to bigger things!) and Beth Behrs, 2 Broke Girls played an important role in its era of pop culture. And even though it was a by-numbers sitcom in some ways, its writers found ways to insert a lot of interesting and thoughtful humor into the mix. They also brought along some colorful actors to play side characters along the journey. Let's take a look at some of the details that may have faded from your memory. These are things you never noticed in 2 Broke Girls.

#2BrokeGirls #Sitcom #PopCulture

Not Korean | 0:00

High heels | 0:54

Racist jokes | 1:48

Max's education | 2:26

Caroline's nanny | 3:00

Best friend chemistry | 3:45

Real frosting | 4:29

A real spark | 5:11

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