Simon Pegg Talks Luck, Mission: Impossible 7 & 8, and Blade Runner 2049
Aug 07 2022
With director Peggy Holmes’ Luck now streaming on Apple TV+, I recently spoke to Simon Pegg about voicing the black cat named Bob in the animated feature. During the wide-ranging and fun interview, Pegg talked about his Scottish accent in the film, what drew him to the project, what’s the difference between making a project in America versus the United Kingdom, why he won’t do more Spaced, meeting BTS with his daughter, his love of Blade Runner 2049, and a project from his past that he’d like more people to see. In addition, he reveals no one told him the title of Mission: Impossible 7 (Dead Reckoning Part One), so he learned it like all of us from watching the trailer.

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