Germany's booming sex trade: Mega brothels, sex caravans, and high-end escorts - An in-depth look at the £11 billion industry
Feb 17 2024
Germany's sex trade is a thriving industry, with legal prostitution bringing in an estimated £11 billion in annual revenues. Prostitution was officially legalized in Germany in 2002, and has since grown under the Prostitution Protection Act introduced by former chancellor Angela Merkel. However, new chancellor Olaf Scholz is considering making sex work illegal due to moral concerns. The country boasts at least 3,000 brothels and an estimated 400,000 prostitutes, despite only 33,000 being registered. The debate over the legality of sex work continues, with some advocating for the Nordic Model where buyers are prosecuted and sex workers are offered assistance. This film delves into how prostitution became a major industry in Germany and the effects of the country's liberal laws on the sex trade in 2023.

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