
15 Things The Stranger Things Cast Spend Their Millions On

Netflix’s Stranger Things is bigger than ever and to match its popularity is the stars' paychecks. This video is looking at all the outrageous and sometimes reasonable expenditures these tweens are spending in style. From Private planes, to guitar collections, Beauty lines, specialty shoes, and outlandish vacations these kids are living large. Would you spend your money on every single videogame Nintendo Switch makes? Take a look at this list, compare, contrast, judge and fantasize. 00:00 Intro 00:23 Puppy Love 01:14 Millie Bobby Brown’s Wheels and Deals 01:38 The Hair’s Got it 02:17 Clothes, Clothes, Clothes 02:56 I’m With The Band 03:49 Traveling in Style 04:09 Game Boys 04:48 Millie’s Business 05:07 Shoe Heaven 05:49 PJs for the Kiddies 06:07 Kiddies that are Foodies 07:05 Sadie Sinks Model Past 07:28 Hoop Dreams 07:28 Broadway Dreams 07:46 Noah Schnapp’s Sustainable Spread 08:11 Outro Written by: Alessandra Vite Narrated by: LanessaVO Edited by: Steven Sune

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