
Amber Heard Could Face JAIL Time For Lying Under Oath

Amber Heard Could Face JAIL Time For Lying Under Oath, Amber Heard Admits to Lying ACLU Donation Amber heard was cross-examined for the first time yesterday and a shocking secret was finally exposed, that could land amber heard in jail for perjury. While being cross examined about her 3.5 million dollar ACLU pledge, heard was finally forced to admit that she did not donate anywhere close to the amount she pledged she was going to years ago. And now she could be in trouble for lying under oath. aclu elon musk. #AmberHeard #JohnnyDepp #exposed #amberheardliar #crossexamination #lawandcrimenetwork #celebritynews #exposed #informoverload #informationoverload #io #trendingnews #gossip #celebrities #johnnydeppvsamberheard ✉️Email | Contact: informoverload@gmail.com IN THIS VIDEO: PRODUCER & FILMED BY: Chris Stiuso VIDEO EDITED BY:

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